Marine Insurance Act - Seminar 1: The Marine Insurance Act in General

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Topics Covered:
- The history and origins of Marine Insurance and the Marine Insurance Act.
- A little history on placement of insurance, how Lloyd's works
- The place of the Marine Insurance Act in Canadian law and constitution.
- Sources of jurisprudence and interpretation of Marine Insurance in Canada.
- General approaches to interpretation of insurance policies, coverage and exclusions.
- The seven key concepts of Marine Insurance and the Marine Insurance Act, including:
- Insurable interest;
- Indemnity;
- Duty of good faith;
- Warranties;
- Subrogation;
- Peril of the sea;
- Proximate cause.
- Looking at sections of the MIA that cover those concepts
Marc Isaacs is one of Canada's leading Admiralty, Maritime, Transportation and Insurance lawyers. Over the last 20 years, Marc has had a varied litigation practice, with a special emphasis on insurance and transportation related cases.
Following his law school graduation and several years in practice, in 2002 Marc received his Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Admiralty (with distinction) from Tulane University School of Law. Marc returned to Toronto and joined the predecessor to Isaacs & Co. in 2003, and became a partner in 2006.
Marc is the National Vice-President – Ontario of the Canadian Maritime Law Association, a Past President of the Canadian Transport Lawyers Association and a Past President of the Marine Club. In addition Marc is an active speaker and participant in the Canadian Board of Marine Underwriters and a member of the Advocates' Society. Marc is also an Adjunct Professor of Admiralty Law at the University of Toronto Law School.
** Original Source: "Seminar Series on the Marine Insurance Act - Session 1: The Marine Insurance Act in General", Wednesday, Sep. 28, 2016
Length: 2:57:07
Type: Video
Last Updated: January 27, 2017
Name | Type |
The Marine Insurance Act in General | Video |
CBMU Educational Seminar Series Title Page Index (002) | File |
CCR Fishing Ltd. v British Reserve Insurance Co 1990 | File |
Century Insurance Co of Canada v Case Existological Laboratories 1983 | File |
Conohan v Cooperators 2002 | File |
Constitution Act 1867 sections 91 and 92 | File |
Edinburgh Assurance Company v RL Burns Corp (1979) | File |
Institute Time Clauses - Hulls | File |
Institute Voyage Clauses - Hulls | File |
Marine Insurance Act - Current to August 29, 2016 | File |
Marine Liability Act (Parts 1 through 5) current to August 29, 2016 | File |
SP-23 Form - Protection and Indemnity Policy | File |
Tulloch v Canada 1988 | File |
Zavarovalna Skupnost Triglav v Terrasses Jewellers Inc. 1983 | File |